Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Science is meaningless without religion.

Science is meaningless without Religion.Science and Religion are two different things. Science is based upon fact and Science is based upon faith. Faith is related to the beliefs of the persons where as fact is based upon realistic things. Science was  born before religions and many inventions that are made based on scientific thinking but not on the religious beliefs. From this it would be inappropriate for us to link science and religion.

To begin with,Science was born when the first life was born That is yeast .Religion is a practice made by man. Before that there was no religious but Science was successful even without religions.Not only that there were many inventions like fire,wheel,Gravitation force,bulb and list goes on and these did not follow any religions beliefs but was able to create useful things.Religious has no role to play with.

Then,Many great Scientists who invented great things led them solve mysteries or invent new things with the help of Scientific thinking but not Religious beliefs. Albert Einstein discovered bulb due to his quest for the element that is used in the bulb. Newton discovered gravitation force due the his quest for the reasons why the apple fell on his head  were because of Scientific thinking and not due to their religious beliefs Solutions to these quests were given by Science but not Religion.

In conclusion,Science and Religions are two different domains from two different things fact and faith.Based on the birth of the both religion and science  and reasons behind the inventions say that Science is not meaningless with religion.Religion did not give meaning or make Science meaningful in this cases

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